Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: September 1, 2023 - Last updated: September 1, 2023


Author: Brendan O'Connell

Title: "Struglyng wel and mightily"

Subtitle: Resisting Rape in the "Man of Law's Tale"

Journal: Medium Ævum

Volume: 84

Issue: 1

Year: 2015

Pages: 16-39

pISSN: 0025-8385 - Find a Library: WorldCat | eISSN: 2398-1423 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Medieval History: 14th Century | European History: English History | Cases: Fictional Victims / Custance; Types: Rape; Representations: Literary Texts / Geoffrey Chaucer


- ResearchGate (Free Access)

- JSTOR (Restricted Access)


Author: Brendan O'Connell, School of English, Trinity College Dublin - ResearchGate

Abstract: »Unlike Constance in Trevet and Gower, Custance in MLT does not speak with her would-be rapist; further, she immediately struggles with him and receives divine aid in overcoming him. Asserts that Chaucer's treatment of this scene demonstrates knowledge of the law concerning self-defense and justifiable homicide.« (Source: Chaucer Bibliography Online)

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of England / England in the Late Middle Ages | Literature: English literature / Geoffrey Chaucer | Literature: Rape in fiction / The Man of Law's Tale | Sex and the law: Rape / History of rape